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Monday, June 7, 2010

Feature: Um, What the Heck is a Google Page Rank

Overview: What Is Google Page Rank, Really?
Google Page Rank is merely one of the numerous ranking methods Google utilizes to determine a website’s relevant importance; varying from 0 to 10.
Google ranks each page by complex algorithm, an equation not published in full context so to eliminate chances at rank manipulation -- by no means is this mathematical equation simplistic
Google Page Rank is determined by incoming links, however, this is not as easy as obtaining a horde of linking websites; webpage links are rated by their own relevance, importance, and vitally their own quality. Linking websites are praised for their dedication, devotion, quality, and importance. Easily, when a website links to a page it is thought of as a vote for the particular website; so one could think of this ranking system as a gathering of votes with extended factors that purely no one understands
Solely, in perspective of page rank, not all links carry the same influence
Website owners should be assured that bad incoming links have no effect on their page rank.
Google does not consider a website’s content when ranking the particular page
Each webpage is individual and crawlers do not scan websites as whole of themselves
Page Rank takes no consideration to factors considered by rank popularity; these being the age of the website one website is linking to, how much the specific page back links quality links, the relevancy of each back link, etc.
Google Page Rank is permanent, however, a page is subject to analysis with growth
It should be noted that page rank is derived from every website and website link, except websites that have been blacklisted or penalized for violating Google’s system

Google Page Rank: The Vital Facts:

Ah! Google Page Rank could be thought of a highly technological game as each level (ranking tag/number) is increasingly more difficult to reach; which for the most part technological geeks refer to this as a “Ranking Richter Scale”. Explained in the best way I know, it takes a single step to progress from a 0 to a ; mathematically it consumes more steps to progress from a 1 into a 2, and additional steps are added for each subsequent rank with top tier ranks being the most difficult to reach.
It’s thought that Google uses logarithmic factors into its scoring, meaning that there are 100 times as many sites with a rating of 2 then with a overall ranking of 4, which Google scores as below average; this is due to the fact that the differences between a jump from a 3 to that of a 4 and subsequent from a 4 to a 5 is five to ten times more difficult to accomplish. Confusing huh?
Page rank will not occur overnight but takes stern determination and a great deal of effort to reach a higher leveling. In the twenty-first century page rank is of great importance within a business standpoint, however, a person should not grow obsessed with ranks or even stats as this lowers both. An average Google Page Rank is between 3 and 5 with anything less below average and levels 6 and 7 above, very few elite sites exist with an 8 to 10 rating. Typically, web blogs will rank low to average while media and business corporate sites explode into an elite range.
Website owners collect a higher prized page rank when their unique web link is linked to by pages that carry forth a higher rank themselves, so in example page rank weight is calculated higher if the specific site is being mentioned by one who ranks with an 8 or higher in rank; such as Fox News or The Los Angeles Times. This carries much more influence than being mentioned by average blogs with a rank of 2 to 3.
Google Page rank has zero to do with topical relevance, such as the display of your website address used for the purpose of a title, a keyword, etc. This simply keeps ranking manipulation at bay, to increase in rating the page link must be used on the page unique to the web owners desires.
Typically, pages with a 0 page rank just have not been put into the system yet; Google works diligently on page classification, however, it must be remembered that billions of sites exist while millions of new sites are launching each day. If the page is several months old and continues to reflect a 0 ranking it may be black listed for violations; meaning Google has washed their hands with the site itself.
Not all links carry the same value, which is very hard for me to explain as I do not quite understand this myself. Typically a single link plays more with increasing a rating when compared to a multitude of links, regardless of the sites overall page rank.
While Google utilizes structure, structure is basic and very easy to understand; those pages that Google defines as “important” also attribute to making the link “important” also. This could quite simply be the only thing I understand.
 Those avid for technology, like myself, may notice that it appears toolbars showing a specific sites overall Google Page Rank update each two or three months; individual site page rank is being computer calculated each second.
Page rank is a transferred element; many have questions in this regard. By distributing quality links to quality sites page rank is transferred not given away; a website will not lose its rank by linking to another site nor is this a negative factor in a very complex algebraic equation 
Rank: Factors of Critical Importance

Yes, quite simply rank may be lost; these numbers are static and subject to change with the diversity of the Internet. Given that Google uses such a complex equation that seemingly no one understands or knows in full context, various factors attribute themselves to a loss in Google Page Rank; such as the loss of linking by outside sources with the most significant being a decrease in rank for the elite sites linking to the webpage. All in all, rank is merely a circle of life in which one think brings an effect to another.
Internal linking means everything to Google Page Rank, owners should create a structure that is very simplistic in use and only limited to three steps from the homepage itself; the easier this is the better page rank is due to spiders/crawlers Google puts through the rage at random intervals. Internal linking matters most.
Anchor text is of vital importance as the more detailed the extract the better this will be for crawlers to evaluate such text
A slight rating drop may be charted when new pages are added
When it comes to an individual’s rating, “elite” pages are at a pinnacle due to the fact these sites (and even above average sites) are considered to be important sites in the destitution of rank. So to have links from these “big dogs” means a site is indeed special… Awe!
In continuing with the data above, links “to” and “from” elite sites of superiority are mirrored within the page ranking perspective. Modestly, this reflects to Google that the web owner provides quality content for their audience to savor; giving something more than the average site with a 2 to 3 classification. This gives the site a leg up on the competitive market, all bidding for that top spot on the most demanded search engine - Google.
A one way ticket, please. One way inbound linkage from websites assists with rank, when the linking occurs among similar content sources. It is important to remember that a website is constructed of various pages, each will carry a different rank in most circumstances; so don’t get worried with page variation
Keyword SEO also impacts the placement of a website on a search engine, even if the site has a less then savvy Google Page Rank; simply due to keyword/content relevance, Google provides the best results to their users so in some cases page rank is not a factor over relevance and prevalence
Yes, Google has a blacklisting that is often used. Blacklisting occurs when a website violates the Terms of Service, common violations resulting in a mere penalty include but are not limited to; using hidden text such as white on white, redirecting with deception, cloaking themselves, the utilization of automated link exchange systems. Banning occurs when a website links into a bad neighborhood, link farm, previously banned by Google sites with knowledge and also violating the disclosures agreed to. It is quite recommended to return to Google and read these, because I know you didn’t.

Rank: What Doesn’t Matter:

Website owners may daily add immense content to their website, however, all the content in the world will not matter as content does not play part in page rank. To Google for the purpose of page rank, the importance is those sites that are linking directly to the website in question. Content is only taken into considerations when allotted for search engine relevance, instead of a general overview Google spiders that crawl through the site look for specific content.
Sorry about the luck but the adored and grossly important Wikipedia has met with Google officials to sign on a “no follow rule”, which means any links made to this Internet knowledge power-house are void and do not count towards rank. In this contact, Google spiders filter any and all mentions to Wikipedia. Must I remind that filtered material is overlooked as if it doesn’t exist…
As an enhancement of the above, many sites now have signed contacts with Google stipulation that they are “no-follow” and should be filtered from Google Page Rank. For example Yahoo, Ask, Google, and anything that directly comes from these direct sites.
Let’s say that a site has strong affection for another site and steaming from that devotion the site may link ten times to the website; multiple linkage does not increase page rank as this is calculated merely a single time – giving each website a fair page rank
The weight between a [dot]com, [dot]gov, [dot]edu, etc site is classified as the same by Google insiders. I asked!
In another Google Rank myth exposed, meta-tags do nothing to boost page rank; this is factored in the same way non-meta tagging sites are; which eases my scenes.
Contrary to popular belief, it is possible for a sub-directory and a free website hosted platform to achieve a higher rank at an equal rate than personal hosted sites and root-directories. This might mind boggle some geeks but really the entire Google system mind boggles me.

I hope this clarifies many of your questions about Google Page Rank, to be honest with you it is something that I do not understand myself; neither is SEO -- so I understand your confusion and I thank you for your emails and the desires you have shown to allow me to help a bit. Yes, I have deep roots in technology as a journalist for the objection, nine of ten time I can answer you directly; or if the question is requested as Page Rank was I can write a feature with the abundance of information.
…Good Luck…
Smoochies & Hugs