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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Service: Grab a Free Google Phone Number & Voice Mailbox

In just a decade, twenty-first century technology has grown to impact the way in which we live our life. Believed to be the century of innovation the science of technology often revolves back to Nostradamus, quoting his prediction that this century alone will provide one thousand times the technological progression than the previous. This interesting prophecy is one that has bewildered geeks who, like me, are anticipating the next “must have” trend. As an early adopter of technology development, my purchase preference is only for those devices I feel will substantially influence the way the future will evolve.  I also carry the same mindset when it comes to third party applications, social platforms, and other technology yielded from an online base.

During the creation of this business professional website, my goal was to provide more than just a single direct method of communication; recommended for disclosure purposes. Valuing my privacy and acknowledging Internet safety, my mobile business number wasn’t an option to consider -- yet such a number was ideal for the task at hand. Objectively desiring to give more than just an electronic address, my zealous mind tested a variety of public options without resolve. Just when I had given up,
Google Voice caught my eye with an associated snippet of video.  Acquiescent to exactly what the business professional requires for sustainability, Google Voice’s supplies a real-time dedicated platform server to voice communication –- a supplementary mobile phone service provision of the web.

Google’s objective, in creating the “Voice” platform was to provide users with an option that would serve to release traditional voice mail from the reliance of our mobile phone providers. Mobilization has now became an allowance unrestricted by Google at no charge to users in the United States. Still in a platform beta testing phase, after being released to developers in 2009, the only negative of this service is that you will need to be “invited”; my recommendation is to ask contacts who have a preference for Google --- I believe each preferred member has at least 10 invites to share. Nonetheless, despite the invitation requirement, Google Voice receives my top ranking -- 5 out of 5 stars for overall functionality, service, cost, innovation, ease of use, and the allowance of professional options. One invited, Google offers two service packages to invited members; one for only voice mail options and the other for full features with a personalized mobile Google phone number. Due to my need for business communication I chose the option for a phone number with additional features; I recommend the choice. I am astounded at Google Voice’s service, as a technological journalist I would rank it as the best Google release of 2009.

For those who opt for full service, Google’s next command prompt allows the user to choose the phone number; generated either by location or by the inclusion the user’s specific word choice. In example if you, as an invited user, wished to have the last four digits of your number spell “tool” the generation program would only pull up numbers with the last four digits spelling “tool” –- a plus for of ease specifics.  Offering pages of options, by the two qualifiers listed above, it’s simple to obtain a phone number choice based only on your preference. Mobile services usually charge an additional fee, at times a monthly fee to choose your own number. As you pair your phone to an automobile for safe driving, your Google number can be paired to all, or just specific, phones that you have service to -- including work numbers, landline phones, and mobile numbers. This excellent service allows the user to choose which phone takes the Google Voice number’s call and at what time each physical phone can be called. Settings can be directed differently for all phones. Google even provides a features for your upmost privacy, at all times, including an option to denote to callers when life is too busy -- all phone calls will be directed in these selected hours to voicemail. Settings can be changed by Internet utilization or easily through the mobile phone services.

An extended list of contacts, grouped by type, can easily be made; each group can be set up differently and a designated personalized greeting can be made for each -- for the socially adapt user specific voice mail greetings can be gave per contact though grouping methods.
Google Voice allows users to also opt for a computer generated,  non-robotic greeting, computer generated greetings can be personalized per group setting -- this simple step prompts users to call a toll-free number, voice the name on the account, follow a simplistic instruction, and hang up. However, my favorite feature of Google voice is the primary fact that my safety is the key, I know I can distribute my number freely on the Internet and still be 100% protected -- all calls, made through this service, display on caller identification as the number I selected. New numbers can be ascertained for a $10 (USD) fee per change. However, it should be noted that Google Voice is free for nationwide calls within the United States; calls internationally will be charged at a low rate per minute and can be made through crediting the account. International calling may be a downfall to some users as the US requirement may be a critical pitfall for those not in the nation. Grab an invite, for your business today, you will not be let down by Google on this innovation!

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