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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Service: Fed-Ex Twitter Based Customer Support

Managing the flow of goods from the point of origin to the point of delivery, we depend daily on logistical services. Seldom do we contemplate to what extent we rely on freight, air transport, and boxed trailer eighteen wheelers; yet without these methods our stores would give the essence of a barren waste land. Today the complexity and compliance of these personal logistic services exist with two apex leaders, both a global household name, UPS and Fed-Ex -- each excellent in the functionality of bringing goods directly to our doorstep.

I, like most product reviewers and business professionals, depend significantly on the logistical service providers UPS and Fed-Ex. At a rate that at times surpasses two deliveries each day, I have grew quite accustomed to the seemingly infinite yipping of my two canine ankle biters at each deliverer that stop their truck in front of my home. Yet, I’m certain that my neighbors very much do not appreciate the speedy delivery alarm clock. With both sites bookmarked, straight to my browser interface, the importance of tracking my shipment is primary to the process of logistical home delivery. However, what am I to do when I don’t have a customized order tracking number? A problem we have all ran into, at least on one occasion.

Anticipating the shipment of a newly personalized notebook computer, a subtle server error from the corporation failed to produce a Fed-Ex tracking number. Lingering in the dark, for two days, my focus turned to Twitter to vent frustration. Frequented by millions daily, Twitter is not yet synonymous as a method of customer support/service. However, at a measurable rate, the growth of such is starting to make life a little easier -- this was especially true in my recent case of tracking number mayhem.

Explaining the problem to a friend, I was stunned that twenty minutes later a Fed-Ex customer service employee had replied to my tweet; one that wasn’t even directed to the logistic firm. Eager to provide help from the discovery of my 140 character tweet, an enthusiastic Fed-Ex employee dubbed @FedExRobin provided me with the tracking data that I needed and even went the extra mile. Based on transaction speed, relevance, quality, desire to assist, and respectfulness Fed-Ex’s Twitter based Customer Service receives, in my opinion, a deserved golden star for high-quality utilization of new-age social media.

1. Respectful of my personal information, the initial tweet of assistance directed me to send necessary information to an electronic mailing address; I noticed directly that this address was designated to the customer service employee; which is something I recommend looking for so not to be scammed. The required email information included my name, address, preferred electronic contact address or phone number, and the name of the package’s point of origin. Believing that it was only respectful to Ms. Robin, I provided her with the full details of my problem and estimated dates of shipment -- additional details are of “critical importance” when dealing with any directive of customer service.

2. At the email address provided, within a time frame of 35 minutes I had obtained the data needed; when my package was shipped, the state of origin, where my package was, and date my shipment was due to arrive on my doorstep. I felt that Robin was a personal assistant, working only for me and could have not asked for more in ways of helpfulness and respect. Due to Fed-Ex privacy issues from Twitter customer support, Robin could not provide me the actual number to my specific package; however she provided me with more than enough to ease my mind, even that the package delivery requested a signature and could not be left.

3. What I was not expecting came next. Robin provided me continued point-by-point updates, as they happened, relevant to my package; even after it had arrived and been signed for. I was alerted, through tweets; each time my shipment arrived at a Fed-Ex logistics hub, the moment it left those specific hubs, what carrying type vehicle it was placed on, when the package was on route to my house, and a outstanding estimate of arrival -- all data and time provided were accurate. Once the shipment was opened and inspected, to ensure no damage occurred, Robin requested I sign off with her on Twitter as I did with the carrier of my notebook.

Would I Recommend This Service: Yes
Chances I Would Use This Service Again: High
Overall Satisfaction: 100%

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