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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Review: Apple 3G iPhone

Just seconds ago I was just remarking high praise for Apple’s iPhone innovation, a product that small business owners such as me cannot live without. I would highly suggest spending a little extra money to get in touch with twenty-first century business operations; without blinking an eye. The Apple 3G iPhone is remarkable as the fastest phone yet to accomplish successes in the technology and mobilization. Like a kid in delicious candy store, I could not wait to obtain mine through The Apple Corp. One of the first things I noticed, having and disowning the first version, was the speed of the 3G iPhone; in a mere fraction of the time it took with all other mobile phones, and the prior version, I can have access to my favorite business applications as well as my every day apps. Due to the 3G network being built for speed electronic mail is so much faster to obtain which is so important for me as a small business owner, graphics are crisp and enhanced is their overall quality which is great for my every day application usages. This is a truly
versatile phone, that I would never switch from if offered millions; one that I am proudly to be “married too” for life!

Easily you can rotate this phone longwise, so to obtain the landscape keyboard; which I would recommend to all Apple iPhone users. It took me a week or two of constant use to get used to sending business text and surfing the web to get the hand of this nifty little pioneering keyboard. The efficient additional features from Apple allow spelling mistakes to be corrected which is great for users on this keyboard, as well as allows the acceleration of typing due to tracking what you as a user type; from this tracking and storage easily quick suggestions of text can be made so that users on the go do not have to type out whole text entries – this works great for Notepad, Email, and the web browser. Keys in which you touch are enlarged to show your letter preferences, which I thought was effective as this will cut down on costly mistakes sending mail to my boss. Two clicks to the screen allows a user to cut, copy, or paste which is my favorite too as I do a great deal of this for PR, one can even copy, cut, and paste from the web and inject that into notes or emails. Another remarkable feature is the phone keypad, Apple iPhone provides a huge telephone keypad with letters and numbers as well as a green call feature when a number is entered; this makes my calling precise. I have nothing but great things about this notable mobile device as it is assisting to the maximum with my small business; be it at home or on the go.

My third fanatical feature of the Apple iPhone is ‘voice control’ and the ease of use with this superb function. Just with the sound of my voice I can play my favorite songs when I feel like listening to music on my outings, call by voice command only as long as the number is stored in my phone. Users need to set this feature up, it’s pretty simple to do and takes under a minute; for most technological savvy users.

While I love the ability to message my contacts, straight from the iPhone platform; I typically do this in a doctor’s office or other appointment type setting. My final rave of the Apple iPhone is the thousands of features, called apps, that can be downloaded from the Apple App Store quite easily; some are pay others are free. This apps are endless in variety and assist with my life and small business needs, even if I need a flashlight there is a app for that!

-Improved media such as video recording and a very well established camera
in getting me where I need to go
-Improved and enhanced quality to each phone call for a better feature
-Music, another media feature, is acceptable and much better than the first

life could be exceptionally better, the biggest iPhone downfall that many know. The battery depletes with heavy use, such as from my small business; or when I message others; playing games via apps always does this as well
-There are no ways to do what I love, multitask! I wish there was as I need to do this.
-I do not necessary like AT&T, however, I think many do agree with me
-I did have problems syncing my large collaboration of business contacts

4.5 out of 5 stars
-deducted due to battery life

© Copyright Hollywood Chic 2010